Postet av Telenor Bedriftsidrettslag Oslo den 5. Apr 2018
All employees at Telenor Fornebu can for access to a locker in one of the exercise locker-rooms on floor 1 and/or 2 in all buildings.
Period April to March each year.
The following rights and guidelines apply for all lockers:
- May apply for a locker using the application form.
- Is allowed to make use of the locker until the next scheduled re-assignment of lockers, which will be announced by mail, on the Telenor BIL webpages and on @work as well as posted on the walls in the locker rooms.
- Has agreed to make updates whenever there has been a change of any of their personal information that was submitted through the application form.
- Must use their own padlock on their assigned locker, and agrees to remove this padlock before the annual re-assignment of lockers is due, or when they are supposed to be away from work for a period of time longer than 2 months.
- Shall put their name on the assigned locker.
- Agrees to keep the locker-room neat and tidy at all times.
- Agrees to adhere to TE’s guidelines and to information posted on the walls in the locker-rooms.
- Are responsible for the cleaning of the locker-rooms once every weekday.
- Are responsible for the maintenance and daily operation of the locker-rooms.
- Are responsible for the cleaning of all lockers during the yearly re-assignment of lockers.
- Can, when information has been posted about it in advance, close or empty the contents of each locker in order to do maintenance work, or cleaning etc… and also when/if a user has failed to follow the guidelines for the locker-room.
- Can, with a written notice in advance, change the guidelines and schedules, as mentioned in this document..
- Set the rules and schedules that apply in the locker-rooms.
- Accept no responsibility for the loss of or damage to people or objects that happens during, or as a consequence of, the use of the locker-rooms.This includes the loss of and/or damage to clothes and other personal belongings.
TELENOR BIL (Corporate Local Sports)
- Are responsible for the assignment of lockers
- All questions/inquiries regarding assignment of lockers should be directed to the following e-mail address:
Questions regarding cleaning and maintenance should be directed to 09011
- The last Friday of every month, after 20:00, all belongings in the locker-rooms that are not inside one of the lockers, will be removed. These belongings will be placed in separate bags and placed in a basket within the locker-room
- After 3 working days, the basket will be emptied and the contents will be handed to the Security guards, who will keep the belongings for 14 days.
- After 14 days have passed, belongings that have not been picked up will be shipped away as used garments and/or otherwise disposed of.
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